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Grigo`s Breakdance Forum / Bboyin` Chat / True Hiphop..tha essence of Hiphop Moderat de otrava
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Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 21
HipHop maniacs crew....real Hiphop crew ...

man first of all HHM e o organizatie creata dupa exemplul a real Hiphop schools ...ZULU NATION and TEMPLE OF HIPHOP.....asa cum our masta Afrika bambaata si KRS One au pus bazele acestor dope Hiphop schools asa si noi incercam sa punem bazele la aceasta Hiphop organizatie sa promoveze esenta spiritualitatea si real Hiphop u know what i'm sayin'....

man daca vrei sa participi  la gathering-urile (adunarile) Hiphop Maniacs sau vrei sa te inscrii in aceasta organizatie sau  ai intrebari about this shit..write me at ...u know what i's, dj's ,writa's and b-boy's  WAKE up NIGGAS ..AND JOIN us ....u know what i'm sayin.....keep it right ..keep it real...

membri ai HHM until now....Lil'Vietnam(b-boy).....Dragonu lui buda...(dope free MC and b-boy)....Fasi aka Mist..(graffiti artist and b-boy)....China (b-boy and beatboxa')....

true essence hiphop hiphop maniacs hiphop crew first all hhm creata dupa exemplul real hiphop


peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop..God bless..I AM HIPHOP!!!

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 21
i can say to ya what Hiphop is usin only 3 words u know what i'm sayin...LOVE ART and KULTURE u know what i'm sayin.....
big up TEMPLE OF HIPHOP...real Hiphop..tha essence u know what i mean........God Bless!!mad love yo..peace....

true essence hiphop can say what hiphop usin only words know what i'm art and kulture know what i'm


peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop..God bless..I AM HIPHOP!!!

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 21
when ya sayin'... i'm Hiphop i'm livin Hiphop i'm fellin Hiphop ya sayin i'm doin ART i'm fellin LOVE i'm livin real KULTURE .....u know what i'm depends of ya if ya wanna be HIPHOPor be an artist and live spiritually belivin' in God u know what i mean...or be wack and belive in this material world that oneday will be gone....u know what i'm sayin'...

"do ya wanna be a real Hiphoppa ..u must trust God and live free"
KRS ONE...tha teacha of Hiphop

man let me tell u somethin that is more important that anythin' in this world....."".hate and fight with the sins but LOVE those that are doin then"..don't judge..cause yaself have sins too ....believe in Him....u know what i'm sayin'.....there is not black white or yellow there is no male or female WE ALL are SOULS u know what i'm spiritual u know what i'm sayin....
don't forget that ya are an artist be real....BE Hiphop....
don't forget that love and faith are tha most important shits fo ya heart.....feel Hiphop u know what i mean...
don't forget about tha real original cats from tha Old School...don't forget about Hiphop!!!
respect fo all tha arts and all tha artists ..all tha kultures and all tha religions out there....Mad love fo every soul in this Univers..much love fo all tha Hiphoppas..mad love fo God(Holy Trinity Jesus Christ...)
big up ZULU NATION and TEMPLE OF HIPHOP.....real Hiphop schools u know what i'm sayin'...
live and feel Hiphop love and faith in ya heart....that's tha essence u know what i'm not only know what Hiphop Kulture and love is ...feel it...APPLY it ......
word from Lil'Vietnam representin HipHop Maniacs...and VPC crew ....
peace and much love..keep it right...keep tha faith..keep it Hiphop.... ...unity...
i love u nigga!!!...

true essence hiphop when sayin'... i'm hiphop i'm livin hiphop i'm fellin hiphop sayin i'm doin art


peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop..God bless..I AM HIPHOP!!!

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 21
Terrorwrist Tactics this is tha phat shit u know what i'm sayin.....inspired by Vietnam's Terrorwrist Tactics....check it...u know what i mean....
peace and much love...Be Hiphop...feel Hiphop Hiphop....God Bless.....MAD LOVE!!!
                                   Lil'Vietnam's Terrorwrist Tactics...

true essence hiphop tactics this tha phat shit know what i'm vietnam's it...u know what and much


peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop..God bless..I AM HIPHOP!!!

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 21
The Hiphop Declaration of Peace.............

This Hiphop Declaration of Peace guides Hiphop Kulture toward freedom from violence, and establishes advice and protection for the existence and development of our Hiphop community. Through the overstandings of this Hiphop Declaration of Peace, we establish a foundation of health, love, awareness, wealth, peace and prosperity for ourselves, our children and their children's children, forever.
For the purpose of establishing a respectable international framework by which Hiphop Kulture may achieve and contribute to a lasting peace in the world we, the founders, pioneers, inventors, artists, photographers, authors, teachas, and other kultural contributors of Hiphop Kulture, ordain and decree, the manifestation of this Hiphop Declaration of Peace.
That Hiphop Kulture may come to know, and act upon, it's true intention, meaning and purpose we, the B-Boys, B-Girls, Emcees, DeeJays, Writers, Beatboxers, and other legitimate contributors to Hiphop Kulture have united on this day May 16, 2002 at the United Nations headquarters in New York to document, establish, fulfill, and promote the vision of Hiphop as an International kulture for peace and prosperity.
For the clarification of Hiphop's meaning and purpose, or when the intention of Hiphop is questioned, or when disputes between parties arise, Hiphoppas shall have access to the advice of this document, the "Hiphop Declaration of Peace," as guidance, advice and protection.
First Overstanding
Hiphop is the name of our collective consciousness. It is commonly expressed through Breakin, Emceein, Graf, Deejayin, Beatboxin, Street Fashion, Street Language, Street Knowledge and Street Entrepreneurialism or Street Trade. Wherever and whenever the elements, and expressions of Hiphop Kulture manifest, this Hiphop Declaration of Peace shall advise its use and interpretation.
Second Overstanding
Hiphop Kulture respects the dignity and sanctity of life, without discrimination or prejudice. We shall consider our duty to protect the development of life, over and before our individual free choice to destroy it or seek to alter its natural development.
Third Overstanding
Hiphop Kulture respects the laws and agreements of its kulture, it's country, it's institutions, and those it does business with. Hiphop does not irresponsibly break laws.
Fourth Overstanding
Hiphop Kulture encourages womanhood, manhood, sisterhood, brotherhood and family. We are also conscious not to bring any disrespect to the dignity and reputation of our ancestors.
Fifth Overstanding
The right to define and educate ourselves shall be encouraged, developed, preserved, protected and promoted as a means toward peace and prosperity.
Sixth Overstanding
Hiphop honors no relationship, person, event, act, or otherwise, wherein the preservation and further development of Hiphop's kulture, principles and elements are not considered nor respected. Hiphop Kulture does not participate in activities that clearly destroy its ability to productively exist.
Seventh Overstanding
The elements of Hiphop Kulture may be traded for money, honor, power, respect, food and other resources. However, Hiphop's Kulture is never for sale - nor can it be bought. It is the priceless principle of our self-empowerment.

Eighth Overstanding
Companies, corporations, non and not-for-profit organizations, as well as individuals and groups that are clearly benefiting from the use, interpretation and/or exploitation of Hiphop, and the expressions and terminologies of Hiphop; shall be encouraged to commission and/or employ a certified Hiphop specialist to answer sensitive kultural questions, and guide businesses, cities and countries through the principles and proper presentations of Hiphop Kulture to the world.
Ninth Overstanding
Every third week in May, Hiphoppas shall be encouraged to remember its ancestors and appreciate the elements, principles and history of Hiphop.
Tenth Overstanding
Hiphop is the name of our collective consciousness. As a conscious way of life we recognize our influence on society, especially on children, and we shall forever keep the rights and welfare of both in mind.
Eleventh Overstanding
Within the collective Hiphop consciousness there are no competing races, tribes, countries, religions, occupations, kultures, nor languages. All are one in consciousness. Hiphop Kulture is one multi-skilled, multi-cultural, multi-racial people.
Twelfth Overstanding
Hiphop Kulture does not intentionally participate in any form of hate, deceit, or theft at any time. At no time shall Hiphop engage in any violent war within itself.
Thirteenth Overstanding
Hiphop Kulture rejects the immature impulse for unwarranted acts of violence, and always seeks diplomatic, non-violent strategies first in the settlement of all disputes. Revolution is preserved as a final solution, when all other means of diplomatic negotiation has failed repeatedly.
Fourteenth Overstanding
Hiphoppas respect nature wherever we are; on this planet as well as on others.

Fifteenth Overstanding
Hiphop holds sacred our duty to contribute to our survival and salvation as a human race on planet Earth. Native American kulture teaches us to respect Mother Earth as our mother.
Sixteenth Overstanding
No one should be a self-proclaimed Hiphop pioneer or "legend" unless they can prove with facts and/or witnesses to their credibility and contributions to Hiphop Kulture.
Seventeenth Overstanding
Hiphop is shown the highest respect when Hiphoppas respect each other. Hiphop Kulture is preserved, nurtured and developed when Hiphoppas preserve, nurture and develop one another.
Eighteenth Overstanding
For the purpose of promoting, interpreting and defending the principles of the Hiphop Declaration of Peace; Hiphop Kulture shall maintain a healthy, caring, fully aware, and wealthy central Hiphop committee. Such committee shall be made up of seven dedicated Hiphoppas invested with the power to promote, interpret and defend the principles of the Hiphop Declaration of Peace.

true essence hiphop the hiphop hiphop peace guides hiphop kulture toward freedom from violence, and


peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop..God bless..I AM HIPHOP!!!

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 21
an if ya wanna see what b-boyin is u must get this shit u know what i'm sayin....real Hiphoppas ..real cats sayin' what Hiphop and b-boyin' is....check it....ill shit ...u know what i doubt ..true
peace and much love...Be Hiphop..God Bless     

true essence hiphop wanna see what b-boyin must get this shit know what i'm hiphoppas ..real cats


peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop..God bless..I AM HIPHOP!!!

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 201
yo peace dragonu una cu dlt si hip-hop maniacs..adunarile noastre se vor face lunar cismigiu,herastrau sau pe la metrou gasim noi.cei interesatzi sunt invitatzi sa ne contacteze si sa se inscrie in acest family..pentru sustinerea hip-hopului in general.pana acum am avut ceva adunari care s-au last cu scantei eu freestyle vreo 40 de min...vietnam and china sustinere cu beatbox and hugs..astept sa ne unim mai multzi 4 the luv of hip hop peace

ignem veni mittere in terram-am venit sa dau foc pamantului..sf.luca

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 21
peace fo ma man Dragonu u know what i'm sayin....this is tha nigga care m-a facut sa reinvii HHM u know what i'm sayin..dupa un wild dope ill freestyle i love u nigga real man this cat is just rippin free rymes u know what i'm sayin...TRUE!!..daca veniti la gatheringuri sigur o sa-i vedeti tha skillz u know what i'm sayin.....and ya will be amazed by his lyrical illnest'...
man gatheringurile vor mai cuprinde HipHop discussions ..philosophy .spirituallity shit u know what i mean......up rokin sessions..b-boyin from ma man Dragonu' ....and lisen some dope beats straight from ma ghetto blasta' u know what i a word REAL hiphop u know what i'm sayin...straight from tha doubt yo....we don't need cash or shit we have our skillz our beliefs our love u know what i'm sayin....wake up suckaz and join us .....if ya wanna see what Hiphop reallly is....
"Hiphop is u and me man"teacha of Hiphop KRS ONE....
peace and much love......Be Hiphop..keep it Hiphop ...God Bless...
Lil'Vietnam representin....HHM and VPC .....undaground Hiphoppa...Terrorwrist B-boy

true essence hiphop peace man dragonu know what i'm tha nigga care m-a facut reinvii hhm know what


peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop..God bless..I AM HIPHOP!!!

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 201
much luv...4 ma nigga lil vietnam.and all the luv 4 vpc,dlt and curand al 2 tape al crewului about the art and ready to taste some  real hip-hop ..peace

ignem veni mittere in terram-am venit sa dau foc pamantului..sf.luca

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 201

true essence hiphop


ignem veni mittere in terram-am venit sa dau foc pamantului..sf.luca

pus acum 18 ani
don`t kno` me

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 26
nu pot sa cred jur! D...ejti un nebun n... huh pozaaa huh
all the love pt c cei care sunt din cel putin nu pot decat sa va sustin with ma soul...pana da ajung acolo....
Lil Vietnam...u are...just... no wordz man....keep it right!
and the Dragon...u kno`...the pic...sayz everythin!
One Luv!
Stay True!

o ardem aiurea

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 302
worddddddddddddd /

i hate battle of the year ......

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 21
thanks for all the encouragement and support niggaz...i dream at tha day when HHM will teach cats what Hiphop is u know what i'm sayin...
peace and much love...

peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop..God bless..I AM HIPHOP!!!

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 21
u are not only doin' Hiphop ya ARE Hiphop " KRS ONE...philisophical...

"As your Teacha, I teach Hip Hop as our way out of sickness, hate, ignorance and poverty. I teach Hip Hop as a strategy toward peace, love, unity and safely having fun! I promote Hip Hop as a lifestyle that enhances one’s health, love, awareness and wealth. This is the essence of what I teach....."KRS ONE
"turn ya life ova tha God today ..not a little bit ..yo go all tha way..." KRS ONE

true essence hiphop are not only doin' hiphop are hiphop " krs your teacha, teach hip hop our


peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop..God bless..I AM HIPHOP!!!

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 21
huge mad love 4 ma masta Vietnam and b-girl Coty...real dope heads..u know what i'm sayin....terrorwrist b-boy ..u know what i mean....
..neva stopin lovin''....
"keep inspire me keep inspire yaself...keep up tha energy ..don't smoke to much of those..don't drink to much of those u know what i'm sayin'.." masta Vietnam representin' RFC..real nigga..respect...
God Bless...peace niggaz!!!

true essence hiphop huge mad love masta vietnam and b-girl dope heads..u know what i'm b-boy ..u


Modificat de Lil'Vietnam (acum 18 ani)

peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop..God bless..I AM HIPHOP!!!

pus acum 18 ani

Din: super style crew
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 99
keep the ship hot...peace to the hip-hop culture in romania

____________  respect for all^^^ciao-magare ___________
                        get on the good foot

pus acum 18 ani

Din: Brasov
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 251
bine bine fratilor, inteleg ce vreti sa faceti si sunt total de acord... DAR.... de ce pana mea tre' sa spuneti "nigga" "my nigga" "niggaz" ?????????? trezirea ba! nu am absolut nimic cu voi (poate cu unu dintre voi am ceva, ca mi-e cam rusine cu el ) dar nu mai spuneti ca sunteti negri ba! Mor daca va mai aud ca vorbiti asha! voi sunteti nebuni ba? doamneeee!!!!

  In fine.. e un cacat chestia asta pentru care v-am deranjat da ma scoate din sarite cand aud pe cineva (alb ma refer) sa zica cuv. astea. Bleah imi provoaca greatza !!! bleah bleah bleah. Uite chiar acum ma duc sa vomit putin si sa o bat pe bunica-mea de cati nervi am !!!! si vomitatu' pentru ca mi-e greata.
PACE ! si ganditi sensu' cuvintelor propozitiilor, frazelor inainte sa zice ca sunt mari vorbe sau inainte sa le pleoshtitzi aiurea undeva.
  PACE ! scuze de deranj.

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 201
yo gushul;e e vorba de simbol omule...priveste icoana confunda..

ignem veni mittere in terram-am venit sa dau foc pamantului..sf.luca

pus acum 18 ani

Din: hunedoara
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 241
Gushu ma nigga

o sa murim!

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 21
man pe 1 oct  a fost primul gathering HHM u know what i'm it was fuckin dope u know what i'm sayin...just no words tha dragon was fuckin primul free and uprockin' in tha same time u know what i'm sayin.....DRAGONU steez u know what i mean...nigga fo 1 hour u know what i'm in a word dragonu a ripp tha free ryhmes u know what i'm la un moment dat nu mai aveam aer u know what i mean..atat de sick a fost ma bro .....just Hiphop man...ill ..phat...dope...real...u know what i'm words can't describe what it was there....
yo dragon u know i love u nigga u know what i mean.....JUST REAL HIPHOPPA...mad philosophy man.....i love ya free man ya skillz ya philosophy u know what i'm sayin.....just real Hiphop u know what i'm sayin......FREE .... uprockin...b-boyin....beatboxa.... in a word HHM man u know what i'm sayin...straight from tha undaground Eroilor park man...tha first real Hiphop gathering in this country we all like to call Wake up and join us u know what i'm sayin''' HIPHOP MANIACS!!!
mad love fo China ...pest ...dragonu ....and fo every Hiphoppa and soul...
peace and much love ...Keep it Hiphop.....God bless!!!

peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop..God bless..I AM HIPHOP!!!

pus acum 18 ani
don`t kno` me

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 26
mie mi s`au umezit putin ochii asa cand am terminat d citit postu`, Lil`Vietnam...iti dai seama c rau imi pare k nu pot sa fiu acolo...
huh...cand auzi d faze d`astea , n i kno` it`s 4 real...cuz` wordz...
nu`ti mai pasa d oamenii care asc 50 centi em n pana mea ... jtii ca un suflet,curat e...what he iz...i have no wordz...cuz they`r useless now....the soul is everythin` n it`z immortal as u were sayin` Lil`Vietnam...
sa nu indrazniti sa renuntati la treaba asta pana anul viitor cand sper sa ajung acolo...
One Luv! Yeah, B Blessed, we are, we just have to realise it!

o ardem aiurea

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 21
we are here!!!...HHM will be foreva in our our hearts u know what i'm sayin' o sa facem un HHM gathering dupa sessionul din 22 din Bc area u know what i mean....daca vii la battle poti sa vii dupa si la shitu nostru u know....real Hiphop straight up....
peace and much love....God Bless...Keep it Hiphop...

true essence hiphop are will foreva our our hearts know what i'm facem hhm gathering dupa


peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop..God bless..I AM HIPHOP!!!

pus acum 18 ani

Din: AcTiVisionZ
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 26
Respect pt LIL'VIETNAM si treaba facuta cu TerrorWrist Tactics.


N-AM CULTURA, da' se formeaza

mori zambind, sau mori stupid

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 21
i'm still stayin' here and say huge mad love fo Dragonu.. still ma bro...huge mad love 4 DLT....and 4 all tha cats that disrespected me ova tha time....cause this is tha essence of Hiphop.....peace love unity u know what i'm sayin...
Dragonu  i will show ya that yogy is dead u know what i'm sayin....
u must live to love and don't judge..we all make mistakes u know what i mean....
look in tha back of this pic who tha fuck was there with ya when ya free man...and was screamin' Dragonu ripps.....HHM man!!!!...
peace and much love.....God Bless....Be Hiphop...

true essence hiphop i'm still stayin' here and say huge mad love dragonu.. still bro...huge mad love


peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop..God bless..I AM HIPHOP!!!

pus acum 18 ani
Taz_Big B

Din: Din P**a!! :)
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294

..Fuckin Hater..

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 17
mai exista hhm ? dupa ce sa intamplat la battle in buc.????/

nu trece o zi fara sa am pretentia sa fiu mai bun

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 201
sigur ca da ..insa nu mai sunt yo in crew sunt astia mai adevaratzi!

ignem veni mittere in terram-am venit sa dau foc pamantului..sf.luca

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 21
HHM va fi pt eternitate in sufletele noastre atata timp cat va exista Hiphop faith si love in inimile noastre u know what i'm sayin...
omul a fost inzestrat de la Dumnezeu cu vointa libera.....asta e vointa libera a lui Dragonu..noi o respectam....dar  in inimile noastre Dragonu is HHM u know what i'm sayin...and will be foreva our cat....
peace and much love.....God Bless...
foreva yours in Hiphop Lil'Vietnam representin HHM......"multa dragoste"..Keep it real..

true essence hiphop hhm eternitate sufletele noastre atata timp cat exista hiphop faith love inimile


peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop..God bless..I AM HIPHOP!!!

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 21
peace and much nov 12 tha HipHop birthday remember and pray 4 tha original niggaz and 4 all tha real Hiphoppaz out there...u know what i mean
Thank's to God 4 tha inspiration and power given to tha Old School niggaz to discover Hiphop u know what i'm sayin..
big up respect and huge love 4 ZULU NATION and THA TEMPLE OF HIPHOP....foreva love 4 tha fathas godfathas and all tha original cats of Hiphop...mad love fo Afrika Bambaata and Kool Dj Herc....

Hiphop one way to artistic state of victory ova tha life....
Be Spiritually ..u know what i'm sayin....

Foreva yours in Hiphop and love...Lil"Vietnam ....Keep it Hiphop....let's celebrate to remember all tha soldiers of Hiphop....u know what i'm sayin....
Remember God.....God Bless!!!

true essence hiphop peace and much nov tha hiphop birthday remember and pray tha original niggaz and


peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop..God bless..I AM HIPHOP!!!

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 107
"That's the beauty of combining all these different cultures and countries. Because it shows the world what real hiphop is. You know, cuz a lot of people think real hiphop is gangster music or black or white or arabic. Nah, real hiphop doesn't discriminate. Real hiphop is all cultures put together in one. It's peace, unity, love and having fun under the wonderness of God no matter what God you pray to."

- Poe1, RedBull BC One 2005


B-Boy( A person with flava who rocks the beat )
Breakdancer( A person who does their very best to please the crowd)
Which one are you?

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 21
Hiphop Maniacs will be also known as" THA CYPHA OF HIPHOP"...u know what i'm sayin....cause we represent tha Hiphop cypha... tha essence tha unity... u know what i'm sayin...our souls in Hiphop creates an cypha which means UNITY LOVE FAITH KULTURE ART PEACE LIFESTYLE u know what i mean...and we all representin in tha middle of tha cypha..
tha Hiphop cypha is kept together by God and by love respect and artistic expression u know what i'm sayin...
big up Temple of Hiphop and Universal Zulu Nation.....respect and huge mad love u know what i'm sayin...
keep Hiphop faith and love in ya heart spirit mind blood...God is our inspiration..our masta ..and everythin' is from God ...u know what i mean.....

Foreva yours in Hiphop Lil Vietnam representin' Hiphop Maniacs HHM aka Tha Cypha Of Hiphop TcoHh..and Vpc crew....mad love 4 all ....our life is Hiphop ..our love is Hiphop...

true essence hiphop hiphop maniacs will also known as" tha cypha know what i'm represent tha


peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop..God bless..I AM HIPHOP!!!

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 11
nice work ... keep`it real .. respect 4 tha movement .. but`cha `ain`t niggaz .. dope stuff but don`t get 2 much over`it ! KEEP IT REAL ! u know....

true essence hiphop nice work ... keep`it real respect tha movement but`cha `ain`t niggaz dope stuff


pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 21
so man read once again THA CYPHA OF HIPHOP philosophy check our teacha  Krs One and before sain somethin' meditate...
peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop...God Bless

Modificat de Lil'Vietnam (acum 18 ani)

peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop..God bless..I AM HIPHOP!!!

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 21
.im not getin' over it i'm just sayin' tha TRUTH...beyond materiallity....

so man read once again THA CYPHA OF HIPHOP philosophy check our teacha  Krs One and before sain somethin' meditate...
peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop...God Bless

Modificat de Lil'Vietnam (acum 18 ani)

peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop..God bless..I AM HIPHOP!!!

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 21
man our teacha Krs One once said "Hiphop is not only b-boyin' djin' emceein' writin' more than that"its an spiritual shit not just some artistic forms of expression or just a community.....check Krs One if ya wanna know tha truth ....Hiphop's essence can be seen only with ya heart eyes...but fo understanding me u must know what spirirtually is..i know is hard to undastand but man get spiritual..u know what i'm sayin....and u will see that we all are soul ..and if u don't undastand this u don't know what Hiphop man MEDITATE and see beyond suface see inside...u know what i'm sayin...u will see tha word nigga doesn't refer to tha colour of ya skin ya material body...nigga describe a way to spiritual thing..u know what i'm sayin.and tha word have more powa is not just with one is more than doin somethin' u like ...meditate pray love and be Hiphop and u will open ya heart eyes...and u will see tha true essence of u livin' in this Universe...
foreva yours in Hiphop Lil' not getin' over it i'm just sayin' tha TRUTH...beyond materiallity....

so man read once again THA CYPHA OF HIPHOP philosophy check our teacha  Krs One  before sayin somethin' bro....nigga meditate...
peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop...God Bless

true essence hiphop man our teacha krs one once said not only b-boyin' djin' emceein' more than


Modificat de Lil'Vietnam (acum 18 ani)

peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop..God bless..I AM HIPHOP!!!

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 21
big up fo Tha Lost Children Of Babylon...real word u know what i'm sayin....real rap..real doubt...respect...real emcees ...

true essence hiphop big tha lost children word know what i'm rap..real emcees ...


peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop..God bless..I AM HIPHOP!!!

pus acum 18 ani

Din: VPC
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 62
Poate nu ma exprim prea bine......dar sunt cu lil' vietnam(yogi's dead)
Ceva bun.....


pus acum 18 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 173
Parerea mea e ca cineva de aici are probleme .. u know what i'm saying ?
Like WTF=what the fuck .. trezirea ba .. hip-hop culture it's nice.. dar cineva e o leak cam dependent .. no offense
Get a life !

Fuck all Hater .. se stiu ei !

pus acum 18 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 123

bestbreaker a scris:

Parerea mea e ca cineva de aici are probleme .. u know what i'm saying ?
Like WTF=what the fuck .. trezirea ba .. hip-hop culture it's nice.. dar cineva e o leak cam dependent .. no offense
Get a life !

probabil ca ai dreptate

a B-BoY's much practice Because i have to become the best and nobody to not wins me!

pus acum 18 ani

Din: Zalau jud.Salaj
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 138
respect4you ...
but be careful because` ar so many` people ho hat`s thi`s shit..



pus acum 18 ani

I`m sticking my words into dis... ba fratzilor... Hip-Hop culture... respect.. dar deja mi se pare prea mult pe aici... imi place Hip-Hop.. imi place Break... dar imi place mai mult viata mea, i Rhyme it as i like... Word Lil` Vietnam ... peace y`all... i`m sticking to real life...

pus acum 18 ani
don`t kno` me

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 26
pfoa juiceboy.... whadafuck meanz real life,a ?) bullshit thingz ... u go to ya "real" life...n we stayin here ) dang )

o ardem aiurea

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 107

bestbreaker a scris:

Parerea mea e ca cineva de aici are probleme .. u know what i'm saying ?
Like WTF=what the fuck .. trezirea ba .. hip-hop culture it's nice.. dar cineva e o leak cam dependent .. no offense
Get a life !

baa ! omu e dependent ca traieste hiphop nu ca doar ii place si ca "hiphop culture is nice" ...  exagereaza el cu unele faze da are dreptate...

Modificat de markonen (acum 18 ani)


B-Boy( A person with flava who rocks the beat )
Breakdancer( A person who does their very best to please the crowd)
Which one are you?

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 302
daca lati cunoaste pe andrei aka lil' vietnam l-ati intelege ..pana atunci lasati comnetariile pt altcineva ...../

i hate battle of the year ......

pus acum 18 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 173
ups .. nu am zis ca am ceva personal cu omu' ma .. doar ca e prea mult "hip hop culture" .. si mie imi place cultura ..
Oricum Pace !

Modificat de bestbreaker (acum 18 ani)

Fuck all Hater .. se stiu ei !

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 21
peace and much love...of course it's hard to undastand ma word's man...meditate and pray...start livin Hiphop and Spirituallity lisen KRS One and afta this read those word's u know what i mean...word up brothaz and sistaz....and everythin will be different because ya have ya spirit eyes opened....u know...
may tha peace and love of Chirst XC be with you...God Bless ya spirits..God help all ya to open ya heart eyes....peace....remember God..HT

true essence hiphop peace and much love...of course it's hard undastand word's and livin hiphop and


Modificat de Lil'Vietnam (acum 18 ani)

peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop..God bless..I AM HIPHOP!!!

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 21
Word up brothaz and sistaz...
THA CYPHA OF HIPHOP is an spiritual CYPHA's an souls CYPHA u know what i'm sayin...and we all representin.. one art spiritual lifestyle collective spiritual good fight against sins and rememberin' of spiritual artistic ancestral spiritual way to view tha life and way to act in society and in this God..and all that we represent is from God..u know what i'm sayin'..Hiphop....meditate and feel nigga....Hiphop is not only about 4 elements ..u know what i'm's more than that..start see tha spiritual essence of Hiphop and true life...and Hiphop is being inspired by God...and God is in Hiphop and in everythin'.u know what i'm ya spirit eyes to really SEE tha CYPHA...God help ya in tha spiritual war...we are nothin without God....everythin good and dope in us is from doubt
TRUE brothaz and sistaz...don't judge ..fight against fake and sins but love tha siners and tha fakers...
there is no black white woman man old young we are souls...u know what i mean...
apply tha Word of Jesus Chirst our God...
IC XC...HT....
foreva yours in Hiphop....peace and much love..God Bless...REMEMBER GOD..God is in everythin' HT

true essence hiphop word brothaz and cypha hiphop spiritual cypha's souls cypha know what i'm


peace and much love...Keep it Hiphop..God bless..I AM HIPHOP!!!

pus acum 18 ani
don`t kno` me

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 26
man Lil`Vietnam... eu am vb cu jtiu... cateva putine vad si aici...dar cand vz lumea asta cat de .... in ce fel e ... oamenii...huh... nu cred in Dumnezeu....ei...humans, God...why?

o ardem aiurea

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1
forum nou de Hip-Hop... din Slobozia...Unii zic ca suntem unda`ground... eu... astept parerile voastre...
Va asteptam!

pus acum 18 ani
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